

點(diǎn)擊數(shù):   更新日期:2008年10月05日


發(fā) 文 號(hào):中國(guó)民用航空總局發(fā)布
t are converging at the same altitude, the pilot whosees from the cockpit the other aircraft on his left shall descend, whilethe pilot who sees the other aircraft on his right shall ascend;(3) overtaking of aircraft at the same level shall be made at a lateraldistance of 500 metres or more to the right side of the aircraft beingovertaken;(4) individual aircraft shall take the initiative to give way to aircraftin formation or aircraft engaged in towing objects; power-driven aircraftshall take the initiative to give way to non-power-driven aircraft.Article 24A foreign civil aircraft, when flying within the territory of the People'sRepublic of China, shall maintain continuous guard for timely radiocontact with the relevant ATC service of the General Administration ofCivil Aviation of China in conformity with mode of transmission andfrequencies prescribed by the General Administration of Civil Aviation ofChina.For air/ground radio communications, the following rules shall beobserved;(1) In radiotelegraphy the international Q code is to be used;in radiotelephony, the Chinese language or any other language agreed uponby the Government of the People's Republic of China is to be used.(2) For geographic localities, Chinese names in romanization, locationindicators, location designators, identifications of radio navigation aidsor geographical coordinates shall be used.(3) Units of measurement: Distance in metres or kilometres; flightaltitude, elevation and height in metres; horizontal speed and wind speedin air in kilometres per hour; vertical speed and surface wind speed inmetres per second; altimeter setting in millimetres of mercury ormillibars; temperature in degrees (C); weight in tons or kilograms; timein hours and minutes (GMT on 24-hour basis beginning from zero hours).Article 25A foreign civil aircraft flying within the territory of the People'sRepublic of China shall land at an aerodrome designated by the GeneralAdministration of Civil Aviation of China. Prior to landing, a clearanceshall be obtained from the ATC service at the designated aerodrome; afterlanding, no take-off is allowed without a clearance. The pilot-in-commandof an aircraft on non-scheduled flight shall, after landing, report to theATC service at the aerodrome about the flight conditions within theterritory of the People's Republic of China and shall file an applicationfor the ensuing flight.
Article 26The air crew of a foreign civil aircraft shall have completed theirpreflight preparation before departure. The pilot-in-command or hisrepresentative shall submit a flight plan to the relevant ATC service ofthe General Administration of Civil Aviation of China at least one hourbefore the estimated time of departure.When the departure of an aircraft is delayed more than 30 minutes, theoriginal flight plan shall be revised, or a new one be submitted.Article 27The aerodrome traffic pattern within the territory of the People'sRepublic of China is usually of left hand type with a height normallybetween 300 and 500 metres. No aircraft is allowed to overtake anotheraircraft of the same type or of similar speed when making flight in thetraffic pattern. A longitudinal separation of 2,000 metres or more shallbe maintained and the effect of wake turbulence shall also be taken intoconsideration. Only with ATC permission is an aircraft of higher speedallowed to overtake the slower one on or before down wind leg, andovertaking shall be made on the outer side of the pattern with a lateralseparation of not less than 500 metres. Except in the case of emergencylanding, no aircraft is allowed to overtake any other aircraft on theinner side of the traffic pattern.Aircraft entering the traffic pattern shall obtain prior clearance fromthe ATC service at the aerodrome, and entry is to be made along thedirection of the pattern and no crosswise interception is allowed.Article 28When a foreign civil aircraft is making a flight at a terminal controlarea under visual meteorological conditions, the air crew shall keep avigilant watch against possible collision with other aircraft. The pilot-in-command shall be held responsible if any collision occurs.
Article 29When a foreign civil aircraft is taking off from or landing at anaerodrome within the territory of the People's Republic of China, thefollowing altimeter setting procedures are to be observed:(1) At an aerodrome where a transition altitude and transition level arestipulated: Before take-off: The aircraft altimeter shall be set to theatmosphere pressure at the aerodrome elevation; upon reaching thetransition altitude the altimeter shall be set to 760mm.Prior to landing: When an aircraft is passing through a transition level,the altimeter shall be set to the atmospheric pressure at the aerodromeelevation.(2) At an aerodrome where no transition altitude or transition level isstipulated: Before take-off: The aircraft altimeter shall be set to theatmospheric pressure at the aerodrome elevation; after take-off when theaircraft has reached in altitude of 600 metres, the altimeter shall be setto 760mm.Before landing: When an aircraft has entered the boundary of a terminalcontrol area or so instructed by ATC controller, the altimeter shall beset to the atmospheric pressure at the aerodrome elevation.(3) At an aerodrome of high elevation:Before take-off: When the aircraft altimeter cannot be set to theatmospheric pressure at the aerodrome elevation, it will then be set to760mm, with the indicated altitude interpreted as zero altitude.Before landing: When the aircraft altimeter cannot be set to theatmospheric pressure at the aerodrome elevation, landing is to be madewith the assumed zero altitude notified by ATC controller.
Article 30When taking off from or landing at an aerodrome within the territory ofthe People's Republic of China, a foreign civil aircraft shall observe theaerodrome weather minima specified by the General Administration of CivilAviation of China. No take-off or landing is allowed when the weatherconditions are below the minima. If, in the case of emergency, the pilot-in-command decides to land below the minima, he shall be held fullyresponsible for his decision and all the consequences arising therefrom.When the weather is extremely poor, the ATC service at the aerodrome shallclose the aerodrome, prohibiting all take-offs and landings.Article 31In case of hazardous weather that will endanger the aircraft in route orin the vicinity of an aerodrome of departure or landing within theterritory of the People's Republic of China, the relevant ATC service ofthe General Administration of Civil Aviation of China may advise thepilot-in-command of the aircraft in the affected area to postpone thetake-off, turn back or make a diversion to an alternate as appropriate.The pilot-in-command, however, has the right to make a final decision forwhich he is likewise to be responsible.Article 32When a foreign civil aircraft making a flight within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China is found to be in serious mechanical or othertroubles which may endanger its flight safety, the relevant ATC service ofthe General Administration of Civil Aviation of China has the right toterminate its flight and shall be in the meantime inform the State ofregistry of the aircraft, which shall decide if the flight is to becontinued.Article 33A foreign civil aircraft flying within the territory of the People'sRepublic of China shall not be, in any circumstances, allowed to enter theprohibited airspace delineated by the People's Republic of China. TheGeneral Administration of Civil Aviation of China shall take seriousmeasures vis-a-vis the pilot-in-command of the aircraft entering suchprohibited airspace and shall not be responsible for any consequences thatmay produce to such aircraft.
Article 34When the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China declares, underspecial circumstances, the closure of a s
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